by Beth Henley
On a night out alone, the naive and reserved John Polk meets Ashbe, a feisty teenager who lives life on her own terms.
Directed by Noah Todd
Free Registration - Artist Donation Welcome, $20 Suggested*
At the Hollywood Fringe | The Broadwater Studio
1078 Lillian Way, Los Angeles

Tuesday, June 18 @ 11 PM
Friday, June 21 @ 11:55 PM
Sunday, June 23 @ 11 PM
At the Brookside Studio, West LA
12227 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles
Friday through Sunday: June 28, 29, and 30 @ 8 PM

Runtime: 45 - 60 mins

Please note for the Brookside performances: The performance begins as you enter the studio, and you will be dismissed from the studio at the end of the show. Please arrive at the Brookside studio by the 8 PM start time for an easy and efficient entry process for all audience and performers. Late arrivals may not be permitted.
Cast, in alpha order by character name:
Jamie Leo: Ashbe Williams
Gavin Damian-Loring: John Polk Richards
Miriam Holsbeke: Hilda / Clareece
Scott Mazzapica: The Barker / The Bum
Live accompaniment and arrangement of "Am I Blue" by Noah Todd
*The Brookside Project is a collective of volunteer artists collaborating over new and adapted texts. All performed work is in the form of workshop presentations - admission-free, with any optional donations being split evenly among all artists attached to the given project. Brookside is a sole proprietorship (Noah Todd D.B.A. The Brookside Project), not a non-profit. Any questions about this production or Brookside's operations and mission can be directed to
Would you like to directly support the actors and creative team behind Am I Blue?
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